Ashtanga Yoga

Capetown, South Africa

SCHEDULE to be determined – Stay tuned

Michael Schabort (originally from Cape Town) has spent the past ten years living and teaching in various other parts of the world.

Since a very young age, Michael has had a deep curiosity for the three questions that almost no human can answer, “why am I here?, “where am I from?,” and “where am I going?,” The mystery of this existence kept him forever curious and inspired to explore philosophies, practices and ancient wisdoms; one being Yoga.

He has studied and has been influenced greatly by some of the world’s most renowned teachers in the Krishnamacharya lineages. Most notably Sharath Jois, grandson of the famous exponent and Guru of Ashtanga Yoga, Shri K. Patthabi Jois. Michael was authorised level 2 at the KPJAYI and regularly returns to Mysore India to continue his practice with his teacher Sharath Jois.

He delights in reflecting on the Shastras (ancient scriptures) and aspires to walk the path of Dharma (living according to the laws of truth that govern the universe). He attentively teaches with enthusiasm and delights in passing on his experience of yoga with authenticity, love, and mindfulness.

Day 1 Full Ashtanga Primary Led Sequence

Strong physical asana practice like originally taught in Mysore by Sri. Patthabi Jois

Day 2 Half Ashtanga Primary, pranayama & spiritual talk

Moving slowly through the first half of the Ashtanga Primary Led Sequence and finishing with a pranayama practice followed by a yogic conversation.